I’d like to start by thanking all of you who are taking time out of your busy day to read this wellness column. And if you don’t already know, these articles help me as much as they help you. They remind me of the things I need to do to feel good naturally and how lucky I am to be able to help others. This brings me back to the focus of this article: Gratitude.
What’s one major thing you wish others would show you? What brightens another person’s day which in turn makes your day better? What is the opposite of criticism and something you wish you did more for yourself? The answer is: Gratitude and Appreciation for yourself and others. Isn’t it interesting how one concept can do so much good for so many?
I saw it first hand during the holiday season with some people that received gifts from me that were truly grateful. It made me feel so good to make another happy and for them to feel appreciated and thought of.
So why just practice gratitude during the holidays? Why not do it to some degree every day? After all, the law of attractions says: whatever you give your energy to comes back to you multiplied. And when you focus on the things you’re thankful for, it brings more of that good stuff flowing your way. In addition, it puts you in a happy mood, which has a contagious effect on others. Bringing more joy and happiness to yourself and others? Now that is a great Spring Intention!
Three Part Action Step: Starting with yourself.
- Every day say in front of a mirror or write down at least three things you are thankful for and repeat them to your self all day long.
- Tell at least one person a day something you appreciate about them.
- Look yourself in the mirror or write a note telling yourself something you appreciate about yourself.
Have A Happy and Healthy Spring and join us at one of our awesome events this month!